Before starting, check the required formatting rules.
How can I register a new account?
You need a registered account to start mining on our pool and use our services. You can create an account at any time. No personal data is required, you will only need to set a username and a strong password. Respect the formatting rules found below. Once registered, visit “get started” section and follow all the steps to connect your miners to our pool.
What are the formatting rules to follow?
The username must be - characters long (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _) and can't start or end with a special character of those allowed (-, _). The password can be - characters long. In your miner configuration file you must set a worker name - characters long (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _) and you can also specify a mining mode (solo, pool or party) using format “m=mode” in the password field, if not specified “pool” is set as default mode.
How can I withdraw EPIC from my account balance?
Supported payment methods are: http/s, tor and epicbox (which require a recipient address), file transfer (does not need a recipient address).
What reward system does our pool adopt?
The assignment of rewards to miners follows a PPLNS scheme adapted to the multi-algo nature of Epic Cash.
Can I use the same worker name for multiple instances?
Yes, you can run several instances using the same command with the same worker name in your mining software.
How many mining modes are supported?
Our pool currently supports three different modes: solo, pool and party. Solo is the mode that allows you to receive only rewards from blocks found by your workers (not recommended for those who do not have enough power to find blocks). Pool allows you to receive rewards for all blocks found by the pool in the same mode, based on your shares in the last round determined by a PPLNS assignment. Party is very similar to pool mode, with PPLNS assignment for all those who mine in party mode. The difference between pool and party is in the job on which the workers mine: in pool is unique for each workers, in party all workers mine on an identical job.
Is there a limit of workers I can register?
Absolutely not. You can register an unlimited number of workers, however if they do not show any activity for a long time they will be removed from your account.
Where our stratum servers are located?
To favor a balanced hashrate distribution and to lower latency globally, we have stratum servers in the United States, Europe and Asia.
How is the difficulty of shares assigned?
The difficulty is set automatically once each worker starts mining according to his power to optimize its yield to the maximum possible.
Why do mining rewards need 24 hours to be confirmed and withdrawable?
This is not an issue or an Epicmine's choice. Due to the nature of the Epic blockchain, block rewards require 1440 confirmations (approximately one day) to mature. Before 1440 confirmations, the funds are immature and unspendable, so we cannot make them available for miners to withdraw. Paying rewards before 24 hours means advancing funds at the expense of already confirmed and not withdrawn rewards of other miners.
What is the purpose of a ranking?
The main reason why there is a ranking is that the pool doesn't have a fixed mining fee. The ranking allows us to assign a dynamic fee based on ranking position, lower for the most constant and deserving miners in the highest positions. Ranking is updated in real time and your position depends on your score. On equal score with other miners it will be assigned the same rank.
How score is calculated?
Score = contribution (72h) x multiplier. Your contribution is equal to pool blocks your workers have participated in the last 72 hours with at least one mining reward gained. The multiplier is calculated on the basis of various parameters (mode, luck, algorithm) and can be increased by exploiting these properly.
Will I earn score proportional to my power?
No, hashrate doesn't matter. We reward continuity and contribution to the pool by assigning a score to each active miners.
How can I increase multiplier?
Choose the pool or party mode: helping other miners find blocks with you raises the multiplier. Mine more than one algorithm. If you mine Cuckoo together with RandomX or ProgPow you get a higher multiplier. Stability and persistence. Your multiplier can increase by constantly mining without interruptions.
How mining fee is linked to your ranking position?
Your fee will vary, based on your ranking position, and can range from % (first place of ranking) up to % (newcomers or inactive users not ranked).
Where can I check my custom mining fee?
You can check how much fees you pay for each rewards earned on you dashboard.
What is the purpose of fundraising?
Fundraising has been introduced to encourage donations to support our projects directly. By giving you the opportunity to choose the project you want to support, we will know where to focus our attention to meet the needs of the community.
How many ways to donate do I have?
There are two main ways to donate: direct fundraising donations, through which you directly choose the project you want to support, and withdrawal donations, in which a percentage chosen by you of the amount withdrawn is automatically sent to fundraising in the project that "needs" more funds.
Where do the withdrawal donations go?
By keeping your withdrawal donations active you will contribute every time you withdraw funds from your account. The funds will be automatically distributed to the projects, in the funding phase, that are furthest from their goal. In case of lack of projects to finance, the funds are allocated to the developers fund.
In a new Epic Cash halving will take place. The block reward will be halved as scheduled.